Legion Mission Statement 

Our mission is to serve veterans, 
which includes serving military and RCMP members 
and their families, 
to promote Remembrance 
and to serve our communities 
and our country.

Last updated- Nov 03, 2023

Please see our “Remembrance” page

for information on Veteran’s Week

activities and services.

The above was a full page article in the Weekly Press.

Pat and Chad were the Branch Presidents at the time of the article.

Please note that the branch e-mail address for Montgomery Br 133 has since changed to: enfieldlegionbr133@gmail.com

Royal Canadian Legion- Dominion Command


Royal Canadian Legion - Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command


Veteran’s Affairs Canada

Be sure to check out the  Bulletin Board  & Events 
pages for any special notices. 

You may find useful information throughout the various pages of our site.

Executive Meetings:  The 1st Tuesday of each month - 7:00 pm

General Meetings:  The 2nd Tuesday

of each month - 7:30 pm

All members are encouraged to attend.